
Thursday, August 18, 2011

DeleteDC? Really?!

So This Chick Wants Us To Be Deleted From Dc,

Shes Already Got Hannahpink9 Deleted
Whos Next?!  Find Out Soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


First Off, She Is A Perv. She Thinks She Is Cool And Isn't. Not Trying To Be Mean, But Its The Truth. She Is A Bitch. She Is A Virtrual Perv. Everyone Knows It. Im Just Admitting It.

Im Frack Dcer.

As You Can See Im Not Gonna Tell You Who I Am. Dont Say Something Like "You Don't Have The Balls To Tell Us" Cause Your Right . Because I have A Vagina Not Balls. Sorry To Inform You About That,

and the word is out!

and we have a winner! looks like FrexyKitKat (yesh it was me) did the hate blog. but hey. at least i spoke my mind and had the guts to tell people it was me. like it or hate it, im staying in DC. oh ICryRain has made a blog. i'm sorry i don't have a link. but it is pretty good. you should go check it out. well i guess that is all i have to say for now.

The Bitches and the Bitchy Blogs

Maybe you can count this as one of the bitchy blogs, but I know Luna and it's most likely to turn out decent.

You see all these bitchy DC blogs that ultimately fail in the end? Well there's more comin' your way.

Luna brought up the MSW burnbook, then all these people suggest a DC Burnbook.

While others were excited about the idea others were pissed.

One of our beloved "sister" blogs, found in the left sidebar, "DC Slambook" is one of them. Although everyone calls this person a fail because there is no talking SHIT, everyone got pissed when they saw "DCSlam", which is below. All these hoe-ish blogs are really stupid because nobody's commenting on it. We've probably gotten more visits than them for the 10 hours we've been here.

Fuck, 150 visitors in 10 hours? That's pretty good for starters babe.

The bitches and the bitchy blogs strike and shit will start.

DCSlam- is full of hate and it pisses the hell off of people, and the owner is "Someonefamous" which, indeed has the same name as a writer on our blog. Notice how you both have private profiles?

Someonefamous on our blog- Make your profile permanently public then we'll see.

The bitch who did "DC Slambook" doesn't know how the hell the slam users. I found "DC slam" quite amusing.

Do me now. Oh wait, I'm anonymous. But I guess you can think of me when you hear: "DC Whore."

Take guesses for all the fuck I care. I really don't because I'm not gonna reply.

and we now have a slam book

someone by the username someonefamous1 (i promise it isn't me) has created a slam book. there is a topic bout it and ppl are taking it in like air. they seem pretty calm about it. just wait till the noobets come in. they are gonna flip. oh well. looks like we gotta just sit back and wait. popcorn anyone??

Most ________ Nominations

So. Fill out this freakin' form.
Poll Title: [For example, Most Annoying DC'er.]
Nomination #1
Nomination #2
Nomination #3


Writers Banners

Grab your writer's banners here!
Attach these babies to every post you have.
Sorry they're all like the same... 
Grr. D;
Make your own if you'd like.
Here they are.
Click to enlarge, the copy them to your computer, then attach photo.
Any troubles? Message meehh. ;D


There's a lot of people in DC that act like the shit.
I probably one of them.
But I noticed other people doing it too.
Erm, She's my friend, but Brooke acts like the shit sometimes,
And it annoys the fuck out of me. I would like to leave my name here,
But I will be forever shamed.

I'm a box.

My dance time gets me laid.

Top Commenters

WELL HELLO THERE. AGAIN. Okay, so to keep up with the comments, we are going to have a TOP COMMENTERS segment on this blog.
There will be a prize. ;D
So comment as much as possible. x]


The Point of Being Anonymous

You may wonder: Hmm how come this writer is anonymous?

It's simple:

So I could bitch as much as I want to.

There's no need to 'hold' back and be 'nice' because in some sense that's just giving you a mask and pushing your real feelings away. Having all these true feelings bottled up is unhealthy.

I honestly am not sure why people are announcing who they actually are, and who's writing for this blog because as soon as you step outside of the boundaries, you'll be hated on (you could even lose your account). Unless you wont be as cruel like me x] then that's not an issue. Or maybe you just don't care (but you probably will) That's why trolls are successful, they don't have to pretend to be nice on their main accounts, they don't have to worry about people hating them. You may call them a coward and a freaking stupid annoying idiot, but oh well.

I didn't want to do this...but too late :)

It's hard to read but this is what the chicka is saying: good for you bitchpie-96 and I guess you are proud you were reported twice hoodlum

Don't you just love her? No this blog will NOT be a slam book, and I will NOT be known as the 'slammer' because you'll easily find out who I am. I just wanted to point this girl out to all you faithful readers.

People called her a noob when she asked what a noob was. She was not a noob, just someone who's not used to internet slang. But people judge because of the topic title and they judge because of her medoll's appearance which isn't absolutely horrible....just not a lot of people's taste.

However she became a "noob" as soon as she resorted to calling people names because of her own insecurity. I don't blame her though, we are indeed real bitches (me especially.) Yes noob is overused, I myself hardly use it as a direct insult to someone's face, but what are we supposed to call them? Dumb fucks?

Sorry my language must seem quite vulgar to you. Ooops. Just blogging here. So know where she's coming from. Call her a noob now if you want because she's reporting people and pissing everyone off, but it won't help. Giving her attention must boost up her ego even more. Next thing you know she'll be making topics like:

Why is DC so mean?!?

And now THAT is annoying.


About Misshiphop5 [Writer]

Haii Im Emily,

Im A DC'er And I Capatilize Every Letter [; , Mah Favorite Color Is Purple >:],Im 15,Writer For This Blog,And Im Glad To be Here >:o, And
Add Me :33

Dove Club
Join Or Log In
Go To Clubs
Searh Dove Club
And Click Join And Get Free Items.

Meet Friends,Dont Be So Noobish,And Have Fun 8]



Its Me,
Luna Invited Me Cause In G.

Just Letting YOUR ASS Know Who Da Boss Is.[x

WHY HELLO THERE. Be a writer?

Do YOU want to be a writer? That's great. Fantastic, rofl. Indeed.
This is the official Dove Club. We can have from 1 writer to 1,000,000,000 writers. IDGAF if your a troll. It's anonymous. If you cause drama, then you'll be removed as a writer. No hate. Just the rules. [;

ALRIGHT. If you want to be a writer, f/r me on stardoll, OR email me at

Writers are needed. I'll do writers banners with your random names. ;D


[I need a poll maker.]

Dove Club in a Nutshell

What is Dove?

(Baby don't hurt me...don't hurt me no more. -- No one probably gets this reference here)

I'm going to be concise, or try to be at least, and be as blunt and honest as to how I (sometimes) see Dove Club and how many people from other clubs see our club.

1. DC is the Noob club

Admit it, we're jammed pack full of them, because we're a sponsored club that offers free gifts. Free gifts = Free unwanted Noobs. Most of these noobs can be categorized as someone with a crappy medoll or a non-ss medoll who ticks off several people by posting something that annoys people. Yeah we could describe noobs in depth, but I basically put your own thoughts about noobs into words. We're shallow creatures and judge by medoll appearance.

I had to put a picture here because some of you have the attention span of a squirrel. Aww look at the your attention? Now let's get down to business.

2. DC is a drama club

Drama anyone? Hello, we aren't considered a club without the drama. I mean why else are people on here? To be NICE to each other? Sure that lasts for a little bit, but what keeps this club active and running is the drama that people bring into it. Fake pregnancies, fake death, trolling accounts, posers, pissing people off, you name it. Oh sure you say, "Ugh drama is soo annoying, I hate how people cause drama," but talking about rainbows and butterflies every day is not always "rainbows and butterflies"

4. DC is District of Columbia

For all you geographical nerds out there you might know that D.C is the capitol of the United States, which many of you think we're talking about when we use the term 'DC' in topics. Right cause a topic like this makes sense:

"There's so much drama in DC"

Rofl what makes you think we're talking about the capitol? Oh yes, us "intelligent" children discuss politics here, ESPECIALLY when some of us aren't U.S citizens.

^ All hail the sarcasm

5. Did you realize I skipped number 3? Why? Because I wanted to. Bitch

I have nothing else to say. And I'm running out of colors.

So peace, love, don't be hating, don't be a bitch, don't tick me off,

Trolls Trolls Trolls

Whether you love them or hate them, we have them. Do you remember the good old days when the trolls were hilarious and entertaining? Man do i miss those days. So our latest trolls? who are they? Well there is Wilma.Wubbzy. In my opinion she can be entertaining but at the same time her comments can hurt. She is like any troll. She has her good and bad days. Even her good or bad comments. Lets see who else? OH! There was TheAnnoyingDCGirl. Oh the secrets came out then. and we tried to handle it well but it didn't work so well when the secrets started coming out, but as usual we stuck it out. What a tight club we are. Maybe one day all of us can get along without drama. Until then we will always have our trolls, our lies, and our blogs. That's what makes DC so interesting.
Hello and welcome all to the DC blog. It isn't much yet as it is underconstruction. Thank you!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DC is falling apart.

Very slowly.
Dove club go fresh will become like AD.
It will indeed.
We will be splint into different clubs,
or not even be on stardoll anymore.
Dc is crashing.