
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dove Club in a Nutshell

What is Dove?

(Baby don't hurt me...don't hurt me no more. -- No one probably gets this reference here)

I'm going to be concise, or try to be at least, and be as blunt and honest as to how I (sometimes) see Dove Club and how many people from other clubs see our club.

1. DC is the Noob club

Admit it, we're jammed pack full of them, because we're a sponsored club that offers free gifts. Free gifts = Free unwanted Noobs. Most of these noobs can be categorized as someone with a crappy medoll or a non-ss medoll who ticks off several people by posting something that annoys people. Yeah we could describe noobs in depth, but I basically put your own thoughts about noobs into words. We're shallow creatures and judge by medoll appearance.

I had to put a picture here because some of you have the attention span of a squirrel. Aww look at the your attention? Now let's get down to business.

2. DC is a drama club

Drama anyone? Hello, we aren't considered a club without the drama. I mean why else are people on here? To be NICE to each other? Sure that lasts for a little bit, but what keeps this club active and running is the drama that people bring into it. Fake pregnancies, fake death, trolling accounts, posers, pissing people off, you name it. Oh sure you say, "Ugh drama is soo annoying, I hate how people cause drama," but talking about rainbows and butterflies every day is not always "rainbows and butterflies"

4. DC is District of Columbia

For all you geographical nerds out there you might know that D.C is the capitol of the United States, which many of you think we're talking about when we use the term 'DC' in topics. Right cause a topic like this makes sense:

"There's so much drama in DC"

Rofl what makes you think we're talking about the capitol? Oh yes, us "intelligent" children discuss politics here, ESPECIALLY when some of us aren't U.S citizens.

^ All hail the sarcasm

5. Did you realize I skipped number 3? Why? Because I wanted to. Bitch

I have nothing else to say. And I'm running out of colors.

So peace, love, don't be hating, don't be a bitch, don't tick me off,

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